I never talked about love before because I have seen so many post with same meaning and different words in almost every blog. And on the other hand I was not even sure if I know what it really means. People name anything love like addiction, obsession, habit etc. I don't know what it really is but one thing which I have learned so far is that it is selfless. You are willing to do anything, just to see smile on the face of the you love. It gives us confidence and power to stand up for ourselves. Sadly, we often take that for granted e.g. a child loves his parents madly and parents impose their beliefs on him, just because they know that he will have to listen to them. Similarly, sometimes children take their parents for granted. We do anything and accept our parents to forgive us because they love us.And same thing goes on from friends to lover to wife and so on. Where is selflessness then? Do we stop loving when we get sure that other person will never leave us now? Oh no they change their status to ITS COMPLICATED.. Is it really complicated? I guess its we who certainly change our definition of love with time.

So what to do if you are in that situation? Give yourself time and try to accept the differences. You don't have to change yourself but try to blend in. I guess time and acceptance will solve all your problems. So relationship is as complicated as you want it to be. Once you try to observe closely and understand other person, you will notice how easy it is to get along with anyone, no matter how different you guys are.
So this was something I wanted to share.. Have a good day :)
Change is inevitable, everyone has to go through it. The most wonderful thing is that if you start accepting yourself and are willing to step back from your being and look at things from a neutral perspective, you realize many things. As Gary Craig said, these things are not to be criticized, but only to be observed. Don't impose the change on yourself, just accept yourself and be willing to see where others are coming from and where we are coming from :) I believe real change happens automatically without us forcing ourselves. When we impose it on us, its temporary. If we let ourselves to flow freely, everything gets better because in our minds we have accepted various perspectives. If our mindset has accepted something, our actions automatically change to go with that.
Everyone has their own "truths" based on their own experiences and what they learnt from their surroundings: what their parents/teachers told them, what they noticed other people doing and thought this is THE way. We can try following those ways and it might work for us, or it might not and so we might have to pave our own path.
Very well written last paragraph, "You don't have to change yourself but try to blend in. I guess time and acceptance will solve all your problems."
*thumbs up :)
Relationships seem to be the most important aspect of our existence and also the most discussed challenge with human interaction. We all have many different types of relationships that we are involved in and to varying different degrees; work, personal, professional, religious, etc. The way we manage those relationships seems to be the character by which we are judged. We come into this world with nothing and we leave this world with nothing more than the relationships that we have built during our brief time in this life.
Thank you, NabehaL. I enjoyed your insight and perspective.
Dan Nelson