BOL : Accusation against Muslims or Eye opener
So finally I decided to watch BOL, reason behind delay was 'continuous criticism'. but unfortunately It inspired me thus I decided to blog about it.
People labelled this movie as an accusation against Muslims, demographic aggression, and an entirely personal vision of Sohaib Mansoor which is about his private opinions and interpretations of the Islamic framework. Whenever I asked my friends about it, they were like its torturous, how can girls coming out of abhaya (veil) can be a right thing for Islamic society etc. But was that the only thing pointed in this movie? Why do we love criticizing instead of appreciating, only because its easy to agree with everyone?
For me BOL was complete eye opener. It was the BOLDEST movie I have seen so far in which those topics were discussed openly which anyone will hesitate to talk about, like women's emancipation, poverty, homosexuality,love for music, confilict between sects and bit about laicism(political system). The most important point was of using 'religion' as a tool to fulfill one's self interest. Religion is not to limit your thinking and making people hopeless rather it gives you a better understanding of opportunities to make life of others easy. Allah (swt) no where encouraged us to hide somewhere in black Abhaya (veil), He advised us to cover ourselves and maintain modesty. Don't let the complexity of your circumstances become a struggle of life and death, instead use Islam as a guide to make your life easy.
The message that this film delivers is urgent, heartfelt and very important to be spread in uneducated families.
I admit it was not easy for me to watch and I had to skip few things but still I will recommend you guys to at least watch it once to get the awareness of those prevailing issues in our society which we can never think of.
You don't become a Perfect Muslim by Just Growing a Beard - You Don't Become a Bad Muslim By not Growing a Beard - You Don't Become A Bad Muslim if you don't cover Yourself with a Veil - But wearing Clothes according to the rules of Islam is what I would always consider.
Your Clothes and Name are nothing.
Reading Tasmiya before starting a work doesn't make it better if you don't have the correct intentions. It is Intention which Matter. It is Intention which makes your Heart Pure. And It Is Intention which most people misunderstand.
I think it was unrelated to the article but I just thought of it - I'm surely going to watch that movie. May be soon.
Great Article. :D
Was a good movie, had many good points, but at the end they could have lived happily and modern without loosing islamic principals like taking off their hijabs etc
I was very touched by this movie. It is one of the finest movie I have seen in decades. It is the second Pakistani movie I've watched and I am very fascinated with the talent of the film maker.
Hats of for a very fine and well made film.
I agree. Ending could've been better, taking off hijab wasn't neccessary.