We are bound to live our life with some people, while we choose others on our way of growing up. At times our choices are not good for us but we are afraid to let them go because we think that nothing better can come up. We are insecure about our future. What if what we had with one someone, can never happen with someone else? What if we don't want anything better? What if this was suppose to be perfect?. We keep lingering on until we are badly hurt and lose all the fate in life.

“People so seldom say I love you And then it's either too late or love goes. So when I tell you I love you, It doesn't mean I know you'll never go, Only that I wish you didn't have to.”
I know most of you will not agree but if we don't let him/her go then we wont know whats better waiting for us in our lives.And for getting better in life, we need to be more positive about us. One side effect of goodbye is 'regret'. Its unfair to your own-selves to regret things which ever made us happy. Things which were important to you, things which made you smile and even in your heart you know you might never felt that way again for anyone else. So accept it as a memory and move on. Do not expect same things from life. Hope for something better and different. Most of the time you get to know what you were holding on to was worthy enough or not by letting go. So please don't search for replacements as every feeling is suppose to felt once only and searching for replacement might always result in disappointments.
gooood post with a positive message nabeha..oh well..i am that sort of a person who runs faaar faar faar away from saying goodbyes..i try avoiding it *hides* =P
You're spot on with the part that what makes goodbyes hard are the fact that we don't know what lies in the future. In fact, in emotions we tell ourselves that life won't be the same ever again, when actually only God knows how things would turn up. I guess one should always trust the fact that whatever happens, happens for the best.
Thanks, you seem to live inside my brain...and more...inside my heart. I have no regrets for the things we lived toghether, just regrets for the things we could have done and we didn`t. I now realise that`s the reason I waited so long before move on: I couldn`t understand the things we lost cannot come back, but we can do better for the future. Separately.
I guess all of us do that .. What is meant to happen, that happens. The only thing you can do is to wait for the best one and never let it go. If it goes for your own good, then It was never meant to be :)
hmmm.. nice work nab :) losing someone in life is one of the real fact but the only one word GOODBYE is not imp to take us away from ur loved ones infect its ur fate and destiny that decides who is the part of ur life and who is not.....
excellent work nab....all of us go thru these stages of life bt never realise these facts around us, may b because of our confusions or insecurities or simply cuz of our expectation creteria'ss..anyways gud work
i don't know whether good byes are 'good', but i think sometimes they are necessary... to bid adieu to something old to make space for something new...=) good luck with all your good byes, i hope they only make you stronger! ameen.
This is so right, nabeha! Sometimes the only reason we don't want to part is simply because we are insecure about the future. We keep holding on to things which we think is perfect. And one day, when we realize that it's just another waste of time, we'll end up regretting the whole thing. Good post!